St Andrew’s Orwell Church Organ
Re-installation of the organ in Orwell Church is now underway after 8 months careful repair and renewal in the organ builders workshop. Refurbished keyboards and pedalboard; woodworm infestation cut out; new action connecting the keys to the pipes; many repaired pipes, some poor quality ones replaced and a few added; new aids to make life easier for the organist. 1,000 pipes, 24 stops, 2 keyboards and a pedalboard together produce a great variety of sounds, from barely audible to thrillingly loud, covering the full range that human beings can hear. The organ will be an inspiration for organists and audience alike.
A concert by renowned organist Paul Hale will celebrate the achievement on Friday 9th May at 7pm. Tickets are now available at and will be available at Orwell Village Shop nearer the time. Tickets £10 include a glass of wine or other refreshment in the interval.
The organ will be re-dedicated by the Archdeacon of Cambridge during the Eucharist on 25th May.
“Play the Organ Year 2025” Organists, organ builders and church musicians, with Patron Anna Lapwood, plan for 2025 to be a year when many more people discover the thrill of playing the organ. Later in the year, there will opportunities for anyone interested to try out the organ – watch out for details.
It’s not too late to sponsor a pipe, leaflets are in church or you can make a donation by BACS Orwell Parochial Church Council,
Sort Code 09-01-51,
Account Number 20038307
or you can use the Give a Little link here
Rebuilding the organ required 8 month of meticulous craftsmanship by Cousans Organ Builders of Coalville in Leicestershire. The cost totalled £70,488 (+VAT) and repairs to the church building while the organ was absent cost an additional £4,000 (+VAT).
We gratefully acknowledge grants totalling £31,000 from the following Trusts:
Benefact Trust, Garfield Weston Foundation Thalia WB Landfill Community Fund
and Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust.
Other funding sources include: Pipe sponsorship £16,000, Fund raising events £6,700
“Tea & Music” Concerts £4,300, Corporate Sponsorship £2,250
General Donations £2,200, Gift Aid and Bank Interest £8,000
Grants under the Governments Listed Places of Worship Scheme met VAT charges of £14,100